Return Policy for
Thank you for choosing for your transportation services. We strive to provide you with a satisfactory experience. However, if you need to make a return or request a refund, please review the following guidelines.
If you wish to cancel or return a transportation service, please notify us at least 24 hours before the scheduled pick-up time. In such cases, we will refund the full amount paid for the service.
Once the cancellation or return request is received and approved, we will initiate the refund process. Please note that it may take approximately 1 week for the refund to be processed and reflect in your account, depending on your payment method. In special cases, it may take up to a maximum of 30 days.
As transportation services are not typically subject to exchanges, we encourage you to carefully review your booking details before confirming. If you need to make any changes or modifications to your booking, please contact our customer support team, and we will assist you accordingly.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or concerns about our return policy or need assistance with a return or refund request, please contact us at Our dedicated customer support team is here to help you and provide further guidance.
Please note that our return policy may be subject to specific terms and conditions related to individual transportation services. Any variations to this policy will be clearly communicated during the booking process.